Some URL shortening sites allow you
to pick your own short code.
Today we explore the notion of
using the custom short code
to catalog your topic-of the-day.
TTOD_1= 4-30-2012 a - [mashable_com]
TTOD_2= title / hint=[blog_pay4tweet_com]
TTOD_3= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_4= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_5= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_6= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_7= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_8= title / hint=[...]
The "short" URL is actually a long one because it has a date or other cataloging code embedded in it
The date can be embedded as a 6 digit dashed-code. eg. 120430
Then, each cataloged topic can be discussed in turn:
TTOD_1= Which are the best URL shortening sites and why?
Snipurl provides a sortable/searchable database of all your snips
So if I point back to this posting with
this, then I can link together all the snips used for the post based on embedded date ...