Monday, April 30, 2012

Using Shortened URLs to Catalog Top Topic of Day

Some URL shortening sites allow you
to pick your own short code.
Today we explore the notion of
using the custom short code
to catalog your topic-of the-day.

TTOD_1= 4-30-2012 a - [mashable_com]
TTOD_2= title / hint=[blog_pay4tweet_com]
TTOD_3= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_4= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_5= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_6= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_7= title / hint=[...]
TTOD_8= title / hint=[...]

The "short" URL is actually a long one because it has a date or other cataloging code embedded in it

The date can be embedded as a 6 digit dashed-code. eg. 120430

Then, each cataloged topic can be discussed in turn:
TTOD_1= Which are the best URL shortening sites and why?

Snipurl provides a sortable/searchable database of all your snips
So if I point back to this posting with this, then I can link together all the snips used for the post based on embedded date ...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Drummed up Models of Man and Mother

Mother Nature Pic
In which ways
do we focus
our internal 
modeling efforts?

Is it towards understanding our fellow man?
Or towards understanding Mother Nature?

Some folk are "people oriented".
They spend their time analyzing other people and how those other people will or might change "the world" for the analyzer.

Others are Object-oriented.
They focus on objective science, on "things" rather than on people, on trying to figure out what is going on around them and how that might influence their future based on "systems thinking" rather than on "social thinking".
... still under construction

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Drummed Out, but Rocking Back Up (Part 1)

Is every Blog Manager entitled to kick you out at heart's whim, no matter what?
I can't say one way or the other.
(There are good arguments pro and con.)

But what to do when you've been banished & not for good reason?
Well, it's a free country and you can kick back with your own drummed up beat, that's what.
Has anyone else been drummed out?
 Here's the latest search results.

The planned purpose of this blog is to comment on all manner of current events.
But most particularly about the insanity of Main Stream Media (MSM) propaganda.

Google Blogger has a new Blog Editor and now is as good a time as any to try it out.

Thoughts of the day:
Tornadoes Slam Midwest, How's Inhofe holding out? Test Home Page

Learning how to do mouse-over in Blogger (thank you BT)